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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

3D Images Assignment

I really liked this assignment. It's very neat to know how to make something 3D images like movies we watch. Once I figured out what I was doing wrong I could really tell in some of the images how they became 3D. Also, liked that it wasn't hard at all to do:)

Monday, September 17, 2012

3D good/bad image

The whole image looks great especially the rabbit and his foot looks like he is coming out.

I really liked how this one showed the bird & the rock at the front of screen and the people and building
 standing back.

Jessie's hand in the toy story image looks like she is going to grab you!
I couldn't tell much from the skull image. It didnt seem to come out or stand off the piece it was sitting on. I think the mistakes they made was not having the skull pop out like it was floating.

The eight ball picture didn't show change. I thought the balls might actually look like they were coming down, but stayed as appeared instead of falling.

I didn't think the penguins showed a change at all from the original picture. I think the mistake they made was not making the two large penguins stand out or up and the smaller penguins back from the image.